Pineapple Tarts – Open & Close

Pineapple tart is a must-have during Chinese New Year. We are all so fond of this signature pastry. Conversations flow non-stop on where to get the best pineapple tart. Why not make your own this time!? Bakers can learn how to make two types of Pineapple Tarts – open & close tart.

Open Pineapple Tarts Are Beautiful

The beauty is in its uniformity. The identical look is derived from meticulously rolling, pressing and shaping with a tart presser. Then, weigh equally and round each pineapple paste carefully before placing it on the pastry glazed with egg.

Open pineapple tart baking class

Open Pineapple Tart

Lastly, the pineapple tarts are baked to perfection by controlling the oven temperature. That gives the melt-in-the-mouth and buttery feel and pleasant surprises to family and friends!

Close Pineapple Tart Are Like Golden Balls

Looks like round golden balls, neither big nor small. But the feeling is, husbands will gobble it up all at one go while wives will nibble with 2 to 3 bites. Either way, the buttery flavour and its less sweet pineapple paste will melt in your mouth!

Close pineapple tart baking class

Close Pineapple Tart

In this class, you will learn how to make the pineapple tart pastry dough from scratch by hand and fill it up with ready-made pineapple paste. So, sign up for the pineapple tarts – open and close class today!

Good read – A Tale of Two Pineapple Pastries – Malaysia vs Taiwanese.

What You Will Learn in Pineapple Tart class:

-Hands-on weighing and mixing ingredients for both pineapple tarts.

-Rub in and combine other ingredients to form the dough.

-Weigh and shape ready-made pineapple filling and fill the pastry dough.

-Learn how to achieve the exact same thickness for each open and close tart pineapple tart.

-Learn how to differentiate and choose a suitable type of baking pan.

-Glaze and bake the tarts.

-How to control the temperature of the oven.

Inclusive of after-class support.

Cost fee:
S$108/person (1-2 pax)
S$98/person (min 3 pax)

Duration: approximately 3.5 hours

Bring your own: 2 regular size CNY container

Sign up here! or view Baking Class Overview here.

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